Book Chapters
M.C. Campi, S. Garatti and M. Prandini.M.C. Campi and G. Calafiore.
Making in an Uncertain Environment: the Scenario based Optimization
In: Multiple Participant Decision Making (J. Andrysek, M. Karny and
J. Kracik eds.). Advanced Knowledge International, pages 99-111, 2004.
G. Calafiore and M.C. Campi.
Theory Approach to the Construction of Predictor Models.
In: DCDS - Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, 2003.
M.Vidyasagar and M.C. Campi.
Learning with prior
Volume in honor of Karl Astrom (B. Wittenmark and A. Rantzer eds.).
Studentlitteratur, pages 143-168, 1999.
M.C. Campi and P.R. Kumar.
Learning functional
relationships in high dimensions: an assessment of perceptrons, neural
networks, and other methodologies.
Volume in honor of Karl Astrom (B. Wittenmark and A. Rantzer eds.).
Studentlitteratur, pages 169-198, 1999.
S. Bittanti and M.C. Campi.
Least squares based self-tuning control systems.
In: Identification, Adaptation, Learning. The science of learning
from data (S.Bittanti and G.Picci eds.). Springer-Verlag NATO ASI
- Computer and systems sciences, pages 339-365, 1996.
S. Bittanti and M.C. Campi.
Some remarks on multivariable adaptive control with least squares
parameter estimates.
In: Modeling, Estimation and Control of Systems with Uncertainty (G.
Di Masi, A. Gombani and A. Kurzhanski eds.). Birkhauser, Boston, pages
40-57, 1991.
S. Bittanti and M.C. Campi.
Mean square convergence of an adaptive RLS algorithm with
In: Advances in adaptive control (K.S. Narendra, R. Ortega and P.
eds.). IEEE Press, New York, pages 1946-1951, 1991.