Welcome to the homepage of
M.C. Campi (Marco Campi)
Campi (Prof.)
of Information Engineering
of Brescia
Branze, 38
e-mail: marco.campi@unibs.it
Book on the scenario approach:
June: EECI-IGSC graduate course on the Scenario
approach 24/06
– 28/06
May: Invited talk at the Stochastic
Programming Society. Title: Scenario Optimization: Data-Drive Goal-Oriented
designs with Certified Reliability VIDEO
2020 September: Plenary speaker at COPA 2020, Verona, 9-11 September,
2020. Talk: Risk and Complexity in Prediction Problems" VIDEO
2017 September: Plenary speaker at Optimization
2017, Lisbon, Portugal, September 6-8, 2017
"SELECTED TOPICS IN PROBABILITY", lecture notes by Marco C. Campi
Marco Claudio Campi is Professor of Inductive Methods
and Control at the University of Brescia, Italy.
In 1988, he received the
Doctor degree in electronic engineering from the Politecnico di Milano,
Milano, Italy. From 1988 to 1989, he was a Lecturer at the Department of
Electrical Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano. From 1989 to
1992, he was a Research Fellow at the Centro di Teoria dei Sistemi of
the National Research Council (CNR) in Milano and, in 1992, he
joined the University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy. He has held visiting
and teaching appointments at the Australian National University, Canberra,
Australia; the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA;
the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Bangalore, India;
the University of Melbourne, Australia; the Kyoto University,
Japan; the Texas A&M University, USA; the NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, Virginia. USA.
Marco Claudio Campi was the
Chair of the Technical Committee IFAC on
Modeling, Identification and Signal Processing (MISP) from 2014 to 2020, and the Chair of the Technical Committee IFAC on Stochastic Systems (SS) from 2002 to 2008. He has been in various
capacities on the Editorial Board of various journals, including Automatica, Systems and Control Letters and the European Journal of Control. Marco Campi is a recipient of the
"Giorgio Quazza" prize, and, in 2008, he received the IEEE CSS George
S. Axelby outstanding paper award for the article The Scenario Approach to Robust Control Design. He has delivered plenary and
semi-plenary addresses at major conferences including SYSID, MTNS, and CDC. He
has been for four terms a disinguished
lecturer of the Control Systems Society. Marco Claudio Campi is a Fellow of IEEE, a
Fellow of IFAC, and a member of SIDRA.
The research interests of
Marco Claudio Campi include: inductive methods, data-driven
decision-making, system identification, stochastic systems and
control, randomized methods, and learning theory.
In his spare time, Marco is
a keen photographer.
· research
· projects
· selected presentations
· Robust and chance-constrained optimization
Simone Garatti
Maria Prandini
Algo Care
Randomized methods
Simone Garatti
Maria Prandini
Algo Care
Finite sample properties of system identification
Erik Weyer
Balazs Csanad Csaji
· Direct controller design (VRFT)
Sergio Savaresi
Simone Formentin
Andrea Lecchini
· Adaptive and switching control
Sergio Bittanti
Maria Prandini
P.R. Kumar
Joao Hespanha
Learning theory
P.R. Kumar
M. Vidyasagar
· Prediction theory
Marco Dalai
Simone Garatti
El Ghaoui
-- Fondamenti di automatica
Undergraduate courses:
- Uncertain dynamical
systems (University of Brescia)
2010 - 2017 System identification and data analysis (University of Brescia)
2002 - 2009 Methodologies and techniques for estimation and system
identification (University of Brescia)
1992 - Fundamentals of systems
theory and automatic control (University of Brescia)
1998-2002 Automatic Control (University of Brescia)
1992-1995 System identification (Politecnico di Milano)
Marco Campi has obtained
the highest score as an undergraduate instructor in the last academic year.
Graduate courses:
June 2024 "The scenario approach: data science for systems,
control, and machine learning" (EECI-IGSC University of Oxford)
February 2023 "The scenario approach: data science for systems,
control, and machine learning" (EECI-IGSC Politecnico di Milano)
September 2023 “Data-driven approaches to uncertain optimization and decision
making: theory and applications” (Politecnico di Milano)
February 2022 "From data to decisions: the scenario approach (with
applications to systems, control and machine learning" (EECI-IGSC
Politecnico di Milano and on-line)
September 2021 "Data-driven approaches to uncertain optimization;
theory and applications" (Politecnico di Milano)
July 2021 “Scenario-based and Data Driven MPC” (as part of the Chinese
MPC school 2021 – videos: talk 1/4 [10]; talk 2/4 [11]; talk 3/4 [12]; talk 4/4 [13])
June 2021, “Data-Driven Decision Making and the Scenario Approach” (as
part of the EPFL & ETHZ Summer School on “Foundations and Mathematical
Guarantees of Data-Driven Control” - video https://youtu.be/iMT-W5HqQsM)
February 2021 "From data to decisions: the scenario approach"
(EECI-IGSC on-line)
January 2020 “Data-Driven Decision Making and the Scenario Approach” (Winter
School on Optimization and Operations Research - Zinal)
January 2020 "From data to decisions: the scenario approach
(systems, control, machine learning)" (Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay)
January 2019 "The scenario approach: making decisions in an uncertain
world (systems, control, machine learning)" (Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul)
Jenuary 2018 "The scenario approach for systems, control and
machine learning" (Supelec, France)
September 2017 "Data-based approaches to uncertain optimization: theory
and applications" (Politecnico di Milano)
November 2016 "Scenario
Optimization: Heuristics and Certificates in Decision Making" (University
of Melbourne)
October 2015 "Introduction to the Scenario
Approach" (Texas A&M)
September 2015 "Sample-based approaches to uncertain optimization -
theory and applications" (Politecnico di Milano)
February 2015 "The scenario approach for robust control,
identification and machine learning" (Supelec, France)
Jenuary 2014 "The scenario approach - Theory and applications"
(Supelec, France)
Jenuary 2013 "Uncertain optimization via sample-based approaches"
(Supelec, France)
July 2012 "Identification with finitely many data points" (Bertinoro,
February 2012 "Randomization in systems and control design:
the scenario approach" (Supelec, France)
September 2009 "Robust optimization" (Politecnico
di Milano)
March 2007 "Learning from data: intrinsic limits and
perspectives" (University of Brescia)
Sept. 2006 "System identification and the limits of
learning from data" (notes) (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia)
July 2005 Co-instructor at the national graduate school
on "Adaptive systems" (Bertinoro, Italy)
Oct. 2002 "What can be learned from data?" (University
of Melbourne)
April 2002 "Statistical theory of learning" (Politecnico
di Milano)
Gen. 2000 "Data-based design of feedback controllers:
direct methods" (University of Melbourne)
July 1999 Co-instructor at the national graduate school on "Statistical
methods in identification" (Bertinoro, Italy)
1997-1998 "Frequency domain methods in system identification"
(University of Brescia)
1996-1997 "The Kalman filter: theory and applications"
(University of Brescia)
Other courses:
September 2016
"Scenario optimization: heuristics and certificate in decision
making." (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton)
October 2015 "Introduction to scenario decision-making."
(Texas A&M)
June 2015 "A course on scenario optimization." (NASA
Langley Research Center, Hampton)
Tutorial courses:
1990-1992 Identification and optimization: tutorial classes (Politecnico di
1990-1992 Systems theory: tutorial classes (Politecnico di Milano)
1988-1989 Fundamentals of mathematics (Politecnico di Milano)
PhD students:
Maria Prandini
Thesis title: Adaptive Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control: Optimality
Analysis and Robust Controller Design.
Andrea Lecchini
Thesis title: Virtual Reference Iterative Feedback Tuning (VRIFT): a Direct
Method for the Iterative Feedback Tuning.
Simone Garatti
(co-supervised with Sergio Bittanti)
Thesis title: Assessing the Model Quality in System Identification: the
Asymptotic Theory Revisited and Application to Adaptive Control.
Marco Lovera (partial
Subject: Estimation of process capability indices under non normal
distribution assumption.
Matteo Pardo (partial supervision)
Subject: Iterative Methods for Controller Design.
Ivan Serina (partial
Subject: Nonlinear Function Approximation from Noisy Data.
Andrea Ridolfi (partial
Subject: Consistency of Bootstrap Estimates of Model Uncertainty in Subspace
Identification Methods.
Marco Dalai (partial
Subject: Guaranteed confidence regions for nonlinear systems through the
LSCR (Leave out Sign Dominant Confidence Regions) approach.
Algo Care'
Thesis title: Data-Based Optimization for Applications to Decision-Making,
Identification and Control - A Study of Coverage Properties.
(winner of the 2016 stochastic programming student paper prize)
Martina Favaro
Diego Lorenzi
- University of Toulouse,
- Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
- TU Eindhoven
- University of Twente
- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
- National University of Singapore - NUS
Undergraduate textbooks:
S. Bittanti e M. Campi. Raccolta di problemi di identificazione, filtraggio,
controllo adattativo. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 1995 (in Italian).
M. Campi. Raccolta di temi d'esame di fondamenti di automatica con soluzione. Casa Editrice Snoopy, Brescia, 1999
(in Italian).
-- project MURST
40% "System identification, control and signal processing"
-- special project CNR "Algorithms and architectures for
identification and adaptive control" (1991-1992)
-- project MURST 60% "Adaptive and robust control of
dynamical systems" (1993-1994)
-- European project Human Capital Mobility "Nonlinear and
adaptive control" (1994-1996)
-- European project Human Capital Mobility "System modelling
and identification" (1994-1996)
-- project MURST 60% "Adaptive identification, prediction and
control" (1995-1997)
-- NATO project Collaborative Research Grant "Adaptive
control in an uncertain environment" (1997-1998)
-- co-financed project MURST "New methods for identification
and adaptive control of industrial systems" (1997 - 2002)
-- co-financed project MURST "Design criteria for dental
implants optimized with respect to bone-implant biomechanical interface
(1998 - 2000)
-- project MURST 60% "Adaptive and robust control
systems" (1998 - 2000)
-- co-financed project MURST "Application of the microwave
technology to physico-chemical processing involving solids" (1999 - 2002)
-- European project Research Training Network "Nonlinear and
adaptive control" (2000 - )
-- project MURST 60% "System identification techniques based
on learning theory" (2001 - 2002)
-- European IST project "Distributed control and
stochastic analysis of hybrid systems supporting safety critical real-time
systems design" (HYBRIDGE) (2002 -2005)
-- project MURST 60% "Robust control: design through
probabilistic techniques for uncertain convex optimization" (2003)
-- co-financed project MURST "Identification and adaptive
control of industrial systems" (2003 - )
-- project MURST 60% "Robust convex optimization: randomized
methods and applications to control and system identification"
-- project MURST 60% "Identification and control through
robust convex optimization" (2006)
-- PRIN PNRR 2022 “A data-driven framework for the management of
distributed energy and water resources”, CUP D53D23016110001
-- PRIN 2022 “The Scenario Approach for Control and Non-Convex Design”,
CUP D53D23016110006
Plenary and Key-note presentations
Invited speaker SPS Seminar
Series, 10 May,
Title: "Scenario Optimization: Data-Driven
Goal-Oriented Designs with Certified Reliability ". VIDEO
Key-note speaker at the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and
Computer Technology (ICEECT), Nanjing , China, 22-24 Semptember, 2023.
Title: "Risk-Return Trade-Off in
-- Plenary speaker at the 9th Symposium on Conformal and probabilistic
Prediction with Applications - COPA 2020, Verona, 9-11 September, 2020.
Title: "Risk and Complexity in Prediction
Problems". VIDEO
-- Rudolf E. Kalman dintinguished lecturer, Budapest, March
18, 2019. (http://files.elearning.sztaki.hu/mta_sztaki/Rudolf_E_Kalman_Distinguished_Lecturer/02_Marco_C_Campi/start.html)
Title: "Risk and complexity: a new theory
to control uncertainty".
-- Key-note speaker at the 2nd
International Conference on Simulation Technology - SimTech 2018, Stuttgart, Germany, 26-28 March,
Title: "Optimization by Simulation:
Heuristics and Certificates".
-- Plenary speaker at Optimization 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, September 6-8,
Title: "Scenario optimization: how far can we trust
data-based decisions? ".
-- Plenary speaker at the 2017 IEEE Data Driven Control and Learning
Systems Conference - DDCLS'17, Chongqing, China, May 26-27, 2017.
Title: "Virtual Reference Feedback
Tuning (VRFT): a Handy Approach to Tune Industrial Controllers".
-- Key-note speaker at the International Conference on Control, Decision
and Information Theory - CODIT 2017, Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 April, 2017.
Title: "Wait-and-Judge in Scenario
-- Invited course at NIA/NASA, Hampton, VA, September, 2016.
Title: "Scenario Optimization:
Heuristics and Certificates in Decision Making".
-- Invited course at NIA/NASA, Hampton, VA, June, 2015.
Title: "Introduction to the scenario
-- Semi-plenary speaker at the European
Control Conference ECC13, Zurich, Switzerland, 17-19 July, 2013. SLIDES VIDEO
Title: "The scenario apporach to stochastic
-- Plenary speaker at the Symposium on System Identification
SYSID 2012,
Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 July, 2012.
Title: "Certified system identification -
towards distribution-free results".
-- Distinguished lecturer at CCDC 2012 (Chinese Control and Decision Conference),
Taiyuan, China, 23-25 May, 2012. SLIDES
Title: "Risk-return Trade-off in
decision-making processes".
-- Plenary speaker at CDC 2010 (Conference on Decision and
Control), Atlanta, Georgia, 15-17 December, 2010. SLIDES
Title: "Randomization in systems and
control: a change of perspective".
reading related to CDC talk:
1. M.C. Campi. Why is
resorting to fate wise? A critical look at randomized algorithms in systems and
European Journal of Control, 5:419-430, 2010.
2. M.C. Campi. discussion on paper: "Why is resorting to
fate wise? A critical look at randomized algorithms in systems and
control" - Final comments
by the author. European Journal of
Control, 5:440-441, 2010.
-- Key-note
speaker at the CWI Symposium
on Large-Scale and Uncertain Systems, Amsterdam, Holland, 12 November, 2010.
Title: "Risk-Return Trade-Off in
-- Key-note speaker at CMS 2010 (International Conference on
Computational Management Science), Vienna, Austra, 28-30 July, 2010.
Title: "Uncertain Optimization and
Risk-Return Tradeoff through the Scenario Approach".
-- Semi-plenary speaker at MTNS 2010 (19th International Symposium on Mathematical
Theory of Networks and Systems), Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 July, 2010.
Title: "Variable Robustness
Control: Principles and Algorithms". Slides.
-- Key-note speaker at the Seminar for
Advanced Industrial Control Applications (SAICA) 2007, Madrid, Spain, 5-6 November, 2007.
Title: "Tuning industrial controllers: the
Virtual reference Feedback Tuning (VRFT) approach".
-- Invited speaker at the International Conference on
Modeling, Estimation and Control, A symposium in honor of Giorgio Picci on the
occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Venezia, Italy, 4-5 October, 2007.
Title: "How many experiments are needed in
order to adapt?".
-- Graduate course at the Departamento de Ingenieria de
Sistemas y Automatica, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia,
Spain, September, 2006.
"System identification and the limits of learning from data" (notes)
-- Invited speaker at the CASY workshop on "Advances in Control Theory
and Applications", Bertinoro, Italy, 22-26 May, 2006. (picture)
Title: "The scenario approach: robust
optimization in systems and control".
-- Pleanary speaker at the Colloquium on Optimization for Control, University of Sheffield, UK, 24
April, 2006.
Title: "The scenario approach to robust
-- Semi-plenary speaker at the Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2006, New Castle, Australia, 29-31
March, 2006.
Title: "Identification with finitely many data points:
the LSCR approach".
-- Invited speaker at the 14th ERNSI Workshop on System Identification, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 19-21
September, 2005.
Title: "Guaranteed non-asymptotic
confidence regions in system identification"
-- Plenary speaker at the Conference MAS de la SMAI, Nancy, France, 6-8 September, 2004.
Title: "The Scenario Approach to Robust
Control - Randomized Solutions and Confidence Levels"
-- IEEE CSS Distinguished Lecturer speaker at the University of
Kyoto, August, 2004.
Title: "Robust Convex Optimization - the
Scenario Approach"
-- Plenary speaker at the Workshop "CMP'04: Multiple Participant Decision
Making", UTIA,
Prague, Czech Republic, 12-14 May, 2004. (pictures: 1, 2, 3)
Title: "Decision Making in an Uncertain
Environment: the Scenario based Optimization Approach"
-- Post-graduate course at the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, October,
Title: "What can be learned from
-- Graduate course at the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, April, 2002.
Title: "Statistical theory of learning
-- Plenary speaker at the 19th Benelux Meeting on
"Systems and Control", Mierlo, The Netherlands, 1-3 March, 2000.
Title: "Probabilistic Robustness: A New
Approach to the Analysis and Synthesis of Uncertain Control Systems"
-- Graduate course at the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, Jenuary -
February, 2000.
Title: "Data-based design of feedback
controllers: direct methods"
-- Plenary speaker at the 6th St. Petersburg Symposium on
"Adaptive Systems Theory", St. Petersburg, Russia, 7-9 September,
Title: "Penalized identification methods
for self-tuning control"
-- Plenary speaker at the ERCIM Workshop on "Systems
and Control", Budapest, Hugary, 6-8 Novembre 1995.
Title: "Stability and performance of
self-tuning control systems"
-- Invited speaker at the Nato Advanced Study Institute
"From Identification to Learning", Como, Italy, 22 August- 2
September, 1994.
Title: "Mathematical tools in probability
-- Invited speaker at the Workshop "From Data to Model", IIASA-Laxemburg,
Austria, 24-28 June, 1991.
Title: "Tracking time-varying systems by
recursive least squares methods".
In evidence:
Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning
M. C. Campi, A. Lecchini
and S.M. Savaresi.
Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning: a
Direct Method for the Design of Feedback Controllers.
Automatica, 38:1337-1346, 2002.
M.C. Campi and S.M.
Direct nonlinear control design: the
Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning (VRFT) approach.
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC-51:14-27, 2006.
M.C. Campi, A. Lecchini and
S.M. Savaresi.
An application of the virtual reference
feedback tuning method to a benchmark problem.
European Journal of Control, Special Issue on "Design and
Optimisation of Restricted Complexity Controllers", 1:66-76, 2003.
A. Lecchini, M.C. Campi and S.M. Savaresi.
Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning for two
degree of freedom controllers.
Int. J. Adapt. Control and Signal Process., invited paper for the
Special Issue on "New Ideas in Recursive Estimation and stochastic
Adaptive Control", 16:355-371, 2002.
M.C. Campi and S. Savaresi.
Virtual reference feedback tuning
for nonlinear systems.
In Proc. 44th Conf. on Decision and Control, Seville, Spain, 6608-6613, 2005.
A. Lecchini, M.C. Campi and S.M Savaresi.
Sensitivity shaping via virtual
reference feedback tuning.
In Proc. 40th Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, pages 750-755, 2001.
A. Lecchini, M.C. Campi and S.M Savaresi.
Virtual reference feedback tuning for two
degree of freedom controllers.
European Control Conferece ECC 2001, Porto, 2001.
A. Lecchini, M.C. Campi and S.M Savaresi.
Virtual reference feedback
tuning: a new framework for data-based design of PID and
linear controllers.
IFAC ALCOSP Workshop, Como, 2001.
M.C. Campi, A. Lecchini and S.M Savaresi.
Virtual reference feedback tuning (VRFT): a new
direct approach to the design of feedback controllers.
In Proc. 39th Conf. on Decision and Control, Sydney, pages 623-628, 2000.
M.C. Campi, A. Lecchini, M. Pardo and S. Savaresi.
Iterative feedback tuning:
a direct approach.
In Int. Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, Padova,
pages 719-722, 1998.
regions for identified models
M.C. Campi and E. Weyer.
Guaranteed non-asymptotic confidence
regions in system identification.
Automatica, 41:1751-1764, 2005.
(the downloadable file is an extended version (with all proofs) of the
Automatica paper)
M. Dalai, E. Weyer and M.C.
Parameter Identification for Nonlinear Systems: Guaranteed Confidence
regions through LSCR.
Automatica, in press.
M.C. Campi and E. Weyer.
Identification with finitely many
data points: the LSCR approach.
Semi-plenary presentation. In Proc. Symposium on System Identification, SYSID
2006, New Castle, Australia, 2006.
M.C. Campi, Su Ki Ooi and E. Weyer.
Non-asymptotic quality assessment of
generalised FIR models with periodic inputs.
Automatica, 40:2029-2041, 2004.
M.C. Campi and E. Weyer.
Finite sample properties of system
identification methods.
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC-47:1329-1334, 2002.
E. Weyer and M.C. Campi.
Non-asymptotic confidence ellipsoids for the
least squares estimate.
Automatica, 38:1529-1547, 2002.
M.C. Campi and E. Weyer.
Non-asymptotic confidence sets for
input-output transfer functions.
In Proc. 45th Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, USA, 157-162. 2006.
M. Dalai, E. Weyer and M.C.
Parametric identification of
nonlinear systems: Guaranteed confidence regions.
In Proc. 44th Conf. on Decision and Control, Seville, Spain, 6418-6423, 2005.
E. Weyer and M.C. Campi.
Global non-asymptotic confidence
sets for general linear models.
In Proc. 16th World IFAC Congress, Prague, 2005.
M.C. Campi and E. Weyer.
Non-asymptotic confidence sets for the parameters of ARMAX models.
In Proc. IFAC Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal
Processing (ALCOSP 2004), Yokohama, Japan, 2004.
M.C. Campi, E. Weyer
Estimation of confidence regions for the
parameters of ARMA models - guaranted non-asymptotic results.
In Proc. 42st Conf. on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA , 2003.
Su Ki Ooi, E. Weyer and
M.C. Campi.
Finite sample quality assessment of system identification models of
irrigation channels.
2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Istanbul, 2003.
M.C. Campi, Su Ki Ooi and
E. Weyer.
Non-asymptotic quality assessment of
generalised FIR models.
In Proc. 41st Conf. on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA, 2002.
M.C. Campi, E. Weyer and Su
Ki Ooi.
Nonasymptotic quality assessment of
identified models.
In Proc. 15th World IFAC Congress, Barcelona, 2002.
E. Weyer and M.C. Campi.
Non-asymptotic confidence ellipsoids
for the least squares estimate.
In Proc. 39th Conf. on Decision and Control, Sydney, pages 2688-2693, 2000.
E. Weyer and M.C. Campi.
Finite sample properties in system
identification methods.
In Proc. 38th Conf. on Decision and Control, Phoenix, 1999.